This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of Monster Forest's official publisher or any related party.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Counting Down to Monster Forest CBT!

Here's a news update from the official site:

Dear Tamers,

Just in a couple of days, Monster Forest will be entering the Closed Beta Testing (CBT) phase! Have you prepared your Monster Forest game account and game client to start your furry adventures? If not, it’s TIME to do so!

Start Date: 4 May 2010, Tuesday at 1600hrs (GMT +8)
End Date: 11 May 2010, Tuesday

Simple follow these easy steps:
• Get your exclusive CBT code, which can obtained via different methods here and here.
• Register for a free Monster Forest account. Learn more.
• Download Monster Forest game client for free at the Download page.

Now it’s time to introduce you our friendly GameMasters (GM) – GMKanny, GMUrahara, GMLarinae, GMCraudo and GMLoravyre! Don’t forget to say ‘Hi’ if you bump into them!

Note: Once close beta ends on 11th May 2010, all accounts created will be wiped, in order to get ready for OBT on 19th May 2010 (Wednesday). Only Login ID and Password will remain intact.

– MonsterForestSEA Administrator

Wow! I didn't even realize that the OBT is also around the corner! Great job Asiasoft!


I've finished downloading MF and now it's just waiting until the CBT starts! Yay!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Pets/Monsters

Not sure which version is this, but with those super cool pet names, you know you can't go wrong with this.

Game Play

Got Owned By High Level Monster

Looks like the Vietnam version of MF.

Song Dedication

A tribute music video made for 'couple' life in the game... really sweet stuff. I play this over WoW any day. Most developers nowadays seem to focus too much on realism, physics and maths, pushing graphics to its extreme looking super cool or what not, but they forget one thing truly important in the essence of an unforgettable game, CREATIVITY.

Monster Forest seems to me as the game that has 'IT'. If you compare FF7 and FF13, of course FF13 has the best most technological-advanced graphics, but FF7 is a truly unforgettable game, simply for its creativity in character development and the captivating storyline (the story isn't realistic, but when we play games, we want FANTASY, not REALISM). Just look at all the unique characteristics of the pets in Monster Forest, they will set deep into your heart, developing with your character as you play, creating an 'emotional bond' between you and the game. Emotion usually beats logic if you ask me.

Kung Fu Fighting! HUH HAH!

An Anime Parody In The Form of MF

The guy who did this is a pro...

Yet Another Game Trailer

With a game like these, nobody should be working or studying. They should be playing this. Wait, I'm not advocating you to leave your real-life responsibilities (if you have any that is), what I'm trying to say is that there are people promoting a Resource-Based Economy so humans can leave the labor to machines and we are free from having to work everyday, thus having time to indulge in creative pursuits and not working as mindless slaves just to feed ourselves or to get a decent shelter. In case you don't know what a Resource-Based Economy is, you should Google it. If everyone in this world supports it and eliminates the sick Monetary Economy, we have all the time to play all the games we want!!!

宠物森林 官方带声完全版

The epitome of AWESOMENESS.

Fashion Show

Hat = $50
T-Shirt = $100
Jeans = $200
Owning monsters in a tuxedo suit = PRICELESS

Another Game Trailer

Pokemon? Yugi-oh? Final Fantasy? Harvest Moon? Farmville? Restaurant City? I think this game has it all! There's even a dance floor for 'online clubbing'! LOL!

Monster Forest Farming Fun

The farming feature of the game looks really great! Can I have Oldtown White Coffee instead of Java Coffee lol??

Game Play as Male & Female

OMG exploding cat lol! The female's house looks cosy.

A Joke I Couldn't Get

I couldn't get it not because it wasn't funny, but I don't understand Chinese. It'd be great if someone can translate to me what the joke is in the video. >.<

A Glimpse Into MF's Farming

Monday, April 26, 2010

Some Screenies from Chinese MF

Monster Forest - PvP Trailer - PC

Being a Final Fantasy fan myself, after watching this PvP trailer, OMG I GOTTA PLAY THIS GAME!

Monster Forest Online Skills Trailer

Holy shit! Armies with rifles lol! The AoE looks really good. It makes me reconsidering my plan of going 1v1 type lol!

Monster Forest Official trailer Low Res

Here's the official trailer for MFOSEA. NICE!

Monster Forest CBT Starting Soon!

I stumbled upon this game from Asiasoft in my email when they sent me a CBT invitation. A little research down the road and found out that it's quite an interesting game. It has a lot of features that are currently 'in trend'. For example, PETS, cultivating farm (think Farmville), fashionable avatars, and CARDS!

The battle system is turn-based (Final Fantasy?), and there are over 500+ pets to 'catch' from, which are divided into 8 types and 8 elements. They are Beasts, Insects, Aquatics, Plants, Dragons, Humans, Demons and Robots. There are 2 main elements which has 4 sub-elements each. Light, is divided into Nature, Electric, Water and Fire. Darkness is divided into Wind, Earth, Shadow and Psychic. Sounds interesting huh? Much like a Pokemon trend revival / continuation, I bet this game will be a hit.

Now I'm already thinking of what strategies I want to form. I basically would like a pet that is highly resistant to everything and deals attacks that are least resisted. I will focus on 1v1 (mainly for Boss and PK) so I will sacrifice on PvE and AoE. Hmm, not sure if such a pet and setting exists, but I will find out I guess.

I've immediately registered an account and is currently downloading the game client. Might took a week to download, but there's more than a week time before the CBT starts.